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A Caring Test Prep Tutor

I started working as a professional Test Prep Tutor in San Francisco in 2000 after completing my degree. Over the years, I have gained a great deal of experience teaching students of all educational backgrounds and skill levels.

There is nothing that gives me more pride than seeing students succeed. Even more so, I get unparalleled satisfaction from students facing great challenges that, with my help, make meaningful advances in their learning. If you need an experienced and patient Test Prep Tutor, contact me so we can set up an initial consultation session at your convenience.


Training and Qualifications

April 2025-June 2027


This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan.

April 2025-June 2027


This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan.

April 2025-June 2027


This is a description in your CV. Concisely describe the degree, job, award or experience listed. The most effective CVs give a clear snapshot of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in a way that’s easy for readers to scan.

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